Letter From Management

Thank you for your attention on Spotlight Automotive!

At Spotlight Automotive, we strongly believe in utilizing our industry-leading strengths and resources to make a positive difference and impact on our employees, customers and society. Our company is in a state of rapid growth and we are committed to build an organizational structure that can fully support Spotlight's continuing growth. As of January 2024, we had over 2500 employees. We conclude that Spotlight's success and accomplishments cannot be achieved without the talented and devoted Spotlighters. We believe that the people of Spotlight are our most valuable asset, and our emphasis on "people" makes us stand out from our competitors.

Along with the in-depth advancement of the Spotlight project, this new joint venture force, representing brightness, glory, cleanliness, energy and speed, will also create a new pattern in the new energy vehicle industry. We look forward to meeting you and working together to create our bright future.

Yours most sincerely.

Spotlight Management Team

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